The result submission should include:
- One package of .zip file contains:
+ 910 segmented prediction masks as results from the corresponding 910 test images and named as “test_xxx.PNG”. Where “xxx” presents patient ID (from 1 to 910) of the test set. The size of the segmented masks should be the same with original test images.
+ A CSV file contains the classified results with a header of ID (denotes for patient ID) and CATE (0 for benign, and 1 for malignant).
+ The 910 segmentation masks and CSV file of classification result should be in the same folder.
--->(Can see sample submission here)<---
- For publication, the winner teams will be asked for submitting a PDF manuscript describes your methods. The manuscript should have all the details about your proposed methods and your experimental results. The minimum length is 4 pages in LNCS format.